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The Starting Line: Best Technique For Burnouts?



January 26, 2024

What is the best technique for a burn out?


The best technique for a burnout can vary among racers, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Different bikes, track conditions, and personal preferences contribute to the diversity in burnout techniques. The primary purpose of a burnout is to clean the tire and add heat to enhance traction during the launch. Here are some key points and variations:

  • Purpose of Burnout: The primary goal is to clean the tire and make it stickier for better traction during the launch.

  • 1.) Variety in Burnout Techniques:

    • Some racers burnout until they disappear in a cloud of tire smoke, while others may prefer a more controlled burnout.

    • There are variations like the "pro stock" burnout, where the front brake is released, allowing the bike to move forward while still spinning the rear tire.

    • Racers may drive through the water box or go around it and back up into the water to keep the front tire dry.

  • 2.) Wet or Dry Burnout:

    • Some racers start the burnout with the rear tire on the edge of the water, while others don't wet the rear tire at all.

    • The choice of whether to wet the tire or not can depend on the bike and track conditions.

  • 3.) Gear Selection:

    • Burnouts can be performed in different gears, such as first, second, or third, depending on the racer's preference.

  • 4.) Clutch Influence:

    • The type of clutch in the bike can influence the burnout technique.

  • 5.) Tire Heating:

    • Some racers may tilt a street bike to heat every millimeter of the sidewalls, while others keep the bike upright.

  • 6.) Observing Winning Racers:

    • New racers can learn by observing experienced and successful racers, adopting techniques used by those consistently going rounds and winning races.

  • 7.) Safety Precautions:

    • It's crucial to avoid over-revving the bike during the burnout.

    • Safety precautions include being aware of the water box conditions, ensuring the tire spins, and avoiding accidents.

  • 8.) Bike-Specific Techniques:

    • Techniques may vary depending on the type of bike, such as street bikes or bikes with slick tires.

  • 9.) Water Assistance:

    • If the bike requires water to spin and the burnout box is dry, getting someone's attention to spray water can be necessary.

  • 10.) Comfort and Consistency:

    • Riders are encouraged to adopt techniques that feel comfortable and provide consistency in performance.

Ultimately, the best technique for a burnout is subjective and may require some experimentation to find what works best for a particular racer, bike, and track conditions.

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