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Terms & Conditions

Although we try to keep every item in stock and available to ship within 24 hours, occasionally some items are not immediately available for shipment and may need to be backordered. If you paid by Credit Card your card will not be debited until your order ships, we will hold your entire order until all backordered items are available, if you prefer that we ship the items that are available, please call customer service or email us with instructions. Backordered items are shipped via the same service as the initial order.

All pricing is subject to change. We reserves the right to make adjustments to pricing and product offerings for reasons including, but not limited to, changing market conditions, product discontinuation, product unavailability, manufacturer price changes and errors in advertisements. All orders are subject to product availability.

Wire Transfer, PayPal or Certified US Check Checks / Demand Drafts: Checks for international shipments will only be accepted if drawn on a United States Bank and payable in US dollars. Prepayments by check should be made by Certified Bank check. Orders paid by other types of checks will not be shipped for a minimum of 10 days upon receipt of check.

If you have any other questions regarding our policies or your order, please email us.

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