Product Description
Schnitz Racing ECU Reflash Kawasaki ZX-10R (21-25)
Ignition timing is another question many of our customers ask about. What do you do with the timing tables. In short, nothing on the Gen 5 ZX-10R. We played with timing up and down and the bottom line is that anytime we made a change with 92 octane pump gas, we lost power. On many motorcycle, adding a few degrees if ignition timing would give you some gains in torque and horsepower. The Gen 5 ZX-10R is not the same. Stock is best on timing.
Exhaust Valve Servo Motor (EVSM) - The little black box under the seat with two cables attached to it. This servo motor controls a blade in the stock exhaust system to help create back pressure and reduce noise. We disable this and allow you to disconnected it from the bike without getting any FI lights on the dash.
O2 Sensor - The factory Oxygen Sensor is a sensor located in the exhaust system that is used to en-lean the fuel mixture below 6,500 RPM to meet pollution regulations and increase fuel economy. This is a narrow band sensor (only reads air/fuel ratios from 14.2 - 15.5). Disabling this allows the engine to run in a slightly richer condition, adding horsepower and throttle response. You can keep the sensor installed in the exhaust system if you don't have a plug to install.
Radiator Fan Temperature. Kawasaki sets the radiator fan to come on at 95'C (203'F) That's a bit too hot for our liking. We set it to come on at 90'C (194'F) and shut off when the engine cools to 85'C (185'F).
Rev limiter - We raise the 13,700 RPM rev limit to 14,200 RPM. We found that after our revised throttle blade tables, the engine was still gaining power at the 13,500RPM. By raising the limiter, you can rev the engine higher and stay at peak power longer.
For those with a slip on exhaust system, we offer a reflash that has the fuel tables optimized to allow the engine to make best power while being smooth when cruising. This avoids the need for an aftermarket fuel controller.
Standard Reflash:
- Increased Rev Limiter to 14,200 RPM (+500rpm from stock)
- Top Speed Restriction Removed
- Throttle Blades Open More Aggressively And Stay Open at Full Throttle
- Auto Blipper (Clutchless Downshift) Enabled
- Radiator Fan Set to come on at 90*C (194*F)
- Stock O2 Sensor Disabled
- Exhaust Valve Servo Motor (EVSM) Disabled
- Free access to new basic features as they become available. You just pay shipping.
Slip On Exhaust Reflash:
- Adjusted Fuel Tables to Match a Slip On Exhaust System
- Increased Rev Limiter to 14,200 RPM (+500rpm from stock)
- Top Speed Restriction Removed
- Throttle Blades Open More Aggressively And Stay Open at Full Throttle
- Auto Blipper (Clutchless Downshift) Enabled
- Radiator Fan Set to come on at 90*C (194*F)
- Stock O2 Sensor Disabled
- Exhaust Valve Servo Motor (EVSM) Disabled
- Free access to new basic features as they become available. You just pay shipping.
What is ECU Reflashing? ECU stands for "Engine Control Unit." It is the computer that takes information from the various sensors on the engine like crankshaft RPM, manifold pressure and throttle position to determine how much fuel to deliver through the fuel injectors and when to fire the ignition coils. The computer "chip" that is the heart of the ECU is usually an EEPROM -- an Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory chip. The Read Only part of that means the chip retains its programming without periodic electronic refreshing; loss of electrical power doesn't lead to the chip losing its programming (It's like the CMOS BIOS of a computer). "Flashing" the chip involves electronically erasing the read only program and replacing it with new, updated information (the engine control 'map').
What is the intake flap? The Intake flap is used to lower intake noise. It is closed at low RPM and open at high RPM. If this is removed, a code will be tripped and the dash FI light will turn on. We can disable this in the ECU for a small fee.
What is the pair valve? The PAIR valve is a solenoid that opens to allow fresh air to enter into the exhaust system to aid in burning hydrocarbons to reduce emissions. There is no performance gain from removing the PAIR valve. The only possible benefit is reduced deceleration backfire or popping. If this is removed, a code will be tripped and the dash FI light will turn on. We can disable this in the ECU for a small fee.
More questions answered here: ECU Reflashing - Questions and Answers