
The Starting Line: What Is Meant By Top Bulb Racing VS. Bottom Bulb Racing?


January 26, 2024

What is meant by top bulb racing vs. bottom bulb racing?

Top bulb racing and bottom bulb racing refer to two different methods of staging and launching a motorcycle in drag racing, specifically related to the use of delay boxes:

  • 1.) Top Bulb Racing:

    • Use of Delay Box: In top bulb racing, the racer utilizes a delay box, which is an electronic device with a timer. The delay box allows the rider to release a button on the first (top) yellow bulb as the tree comes down, and the timer in the box determines when the bike is released (ideally as the green light comes on).

    • Advantages: The primary advantage of a delay box is that it eliminates the distraction of the tree coming down, and it helps prevent the racer from anticipating the third bulb and going red (crossing the starting line too early). Some delay boxes can also be used for crossover racing, allowing the racer to react to their opponent's top bulb.

  • 2.) Bottom Bulb Racing:

    • No Use of Delay Box: In bottom bulb racing, the racer does not use a delay box. Instead, the rider leaves on the bottom yellow bulb without the aid of any electronic devices.

    • Mechanical Delay Devices: While electronic delay devices are not used in bottom bulb racing, some mechanical delay devices may be allowed, such as a long button or an adjustable air bleeder on an air clutch.

    • Reaction to Bottom Bulb: The racer focuses on reacting to the bottom yellow bulb, and they may use various techniques to achieve consistent reaction times without electronic assistance.


  • Top bulb racing relies on the precision of a delay box to time the release of the bike after the top yellow bulb.

  • Bottom bulb racing involves reacting to the bottom yellow bulb without electronic aids, although mechanical delay devices may be used.

  • The use of delay boxes may be subject to rules and regulations depending on the racing organization and track.

It's important for racers to be aware of the rules and guidelines set by the racing organization or track regarding the use of delay boxes in motorcycle classes.





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