Product Description

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MaxxECU PRO: Unleashing Precision Performance
For tuning maestros collaborating with racing professionals seeking the epitome of engine control systems, look no further. The MaxxECU PRO is your key to unlocking the ultimate in advanced engine tuning.
On the Track, Precision is Everything: Winning or losing on the track boils down to the minutest details. MaxxECU PRO empowers you with unparalleled access to a vast array of information, allowing you to fine-tune your engine to perfection.
Comprehensive Tuning Solutions: The MaxxECU PRO comes equipped with our user-friendly MTune software, ensuring an intuitive tuning experience. Additionally, real-time monitoring and control are at your fingertips with the wireless MDash Android app.
MaxxECU PRO Features:
Target Engines for MaxxECU PRO:
- All 3-12 cylinder engines (4-stroke).
- Up to 12 cylinders fully sequentially.
- Up to 12 cylinders in wasted spark.
- Intake air temperature sensor (IAT).
- Coolant temperature sensor (CLT).
- Throttle position sensor (TPS).
- Dual lambda (WBO) sensor, supporting Bosch LSU 4.2 and 4.9.
- 2 trigger inputs (VR or digital) with automatic trigger level detection.
- 6 temperature sensors for logging or additional function control.
- 16 0-5V inputs for supplementary sensors like fuel/oil pressure measurements.
- 10 digital inputs for speed sensors or switches.
Built-in 400kPa MAP-sensor: For up to 3bar/43PSI of boost.
- 16 peak/hold injector outputs (8A per output).
- 12 ignition outputs with 5V signals to drive ignition modules, CDI units, or coils.
- 30 extra outputs for diverse features, adjustable for fuel pumps, idle valves, and more.
Technical Features:
- CAN bus for expansion modules, OEM vehicle CAN, ODBII.
- USB communication for tuning with MTune.
- Bluetooth connectivity for MDash on mobile devices.
- 8MB memory for internal logging, up to 1000Hz.
- Supply voltage: 8-22V.
- ARM Cortex-M3 120MHz main processor with three additional processors for triggers, injectors, and EGT.
- High-resolution settings for ignition and injectors.
- 2000 updates per second for fuel and ignition calculations.
- 50Hz sampling rate on all EGT inputs and 1000Hz sampling rate on all analog inputs.
- Built-in accelerometer supporting up to 8G forces.
- Waterproofed aluminum case with shock absorbers.
The MaxxECU PRO is not just an engine control system; it's your gateway to unparalleled performance precision. Elevate your tuning game and conquer the track with MaxxECU PRO.
- Intake air temperature sensor (IAT)
- Coolant temperature sensor (CLT)
- Throttle position sensor (TPS)
- Dual lambda (WBO) sensor. Uses sensor directly connected to the ECU without any additional electronics. Supports Bosch LSU 4.2 and 4.9
- 2 trigger inputs. VR or digital. Automatic trigger level detection. The signals are processed by a completely separated processor for maximum performance and immunity against interference
- 6 temperature sensors. Can be used for logging or control of additional functions
- 16 0-5V inputs. Can be used for additional sensors such as measurement of fuel / oil pressure
- 10 digital inputs used for example speed sensors (4 can use VR-sensors) or switches
- Built-in 400kPa MAP-sensor for up to 3bar/43PSI of boost
- 12 EGT TYPE-K/N inputs with separate harness (up tp 1200C/2200F
- 16 peak/hold injector outputs. 1-2 high or low impedance injectors per output. 8A per output
- 12 ignition outputs. 5V signals to drive ignition modules, CDI units / coils
- 30 extra outputs for additional features. Can be adjusted to control virtually anything like fuel pumps, idle valves. GPO 1-8 (2A), GPO 9/10 (5A), GPO 11-14(2A), GPO 15-23 (12V sourcing, 4A), GPO 23-30 (1.5A)
- Dual E-Throttle support
- CAN bus for expansion modules, OEM vehicle CAN, ODBII
- USB communication for tuning with MTune
- Bluetooth for connecting to mobile devices with MDash
- 8MB memory for internal logging, up to 1000Hz
- Supply voltage 8-22V
- ARM Cortex-M3 120MHz main processor. Three extra processors to handle the triggers, injectors, and EGT
- Resolution on ignition: 0.1 degrees
- Resolution on injectors: 0.001 ms
- Updates the fuel and ignition calculations 2000 times per second
- The fastest PC communication on the market
- 50Hz sampling rate on all EGT inputs
- 1000Hz sampling rate on all analog inputs
- Weight: 1137g
- 252x180x40mm excluding protruding connectors
- Built-in accelerometer up to 8G
- Waterproofed aluminum case with shock absorbers
MTune Tuning Features:
- 2D and 3D Tuning Capability
- Shortcuts for Most Operations
- Interpolation for Seamless Parameter Adjustments
- Local Autotune for Efficient Tuning
- Live-Logger for Real-Time Data Monitoring
- Superfast USB Connection for Swift Data Transfer
- Live Tuning with Instant Save – No Need to Burn Changes
- Table Smoothing for Enhanced Precision
MaxxECU Trigger Support:
- Check the supported trigger systems in the online tech pages for comprehensive information.
MaxxECU Engine Protections:
- EGT Fuel Correction
- Lean Power Cut
- EGT Power Cut
- Rev Limit
- Advanced Warning and Protection System
- Lambda Fuel Correction
MaxxECU Auto Transmission Support:
- GM 4L80E/4L85E
- GM 4L60E/4L65E
- Toyota A340E
- Toyota A341E
- Toyota A650E
MaxxECU Functionality:
- Launch Control (Up to Three Stages)
- Rolling Launch
- Anti-Lag Using Solenoid or E-Throttle
- Traction Control
- Power Management
- Shift-Cut
- Overrun Fuel Cut
- Lambda Control (Closed Loop)
- Nitrous Control
- AC Control
- Boost Control (Closed/Open Loop) with Extra Compensation Tables
- Boost Level Switching
- E-Throttle Support
- VANOS/VVTi Support
- Logging: Internal up to 1000Hz, PC Logging 20Hz
- Built-in Error Diagnostics and Handling
- Idle Control using E-Throttle, Idle Solenoid, Stepper Motor, or Ignition Timing
- Closed-Loop Anti-Stall
- Ignition Timing Lock for Easy Synchronization with Timing Light
- Flex Fuel Support
MaxxECU Advanced Features:
- Speed Limiters
- Individual Fuel Correction per Cylinder
- Injector Staging
- Virtual Fuel Tank/Fuel Consumption
- Filters on TPS, RPM, and MAP Signals
- Trailing Ignition
- Virtual Inputs/Internal Outputs to Activate Internal Functions
- Use of TYPE-K Sensor to Report IAT up to 350°C/660°F
- Wastegate Control with CO2 for Predictable Boost
- Extra User Table Activation based on User-Defined Settings
- After Launch Power Limit – Function to Control Traction After Launch
- CAN Inputs (Advanced) – Receive CAN Data from External Electronics and Use in MaxxECU, Such as OEM Vehicle Buttons
- Automatic Starting and Stopping of Internal Log Function based on User Conditions (Speed, Load, Error Code, etc.)
- Timers and Distance Counters
- CAN for OEM Protocols, OBDII, and CAN Modules
- Clutch Slip Control with User-Defined Tables (As an Example)
- Measure Injector Resistance Directly from Software
- Built-in Trigger Oscilloscope
- Built-in Trigger Logger
- Flexible Load/Speed Axis Selection
- Flexible User Output Functions
- Flexible User PWM/FREQ Output Functions
- Speedometer Output Function
- Tachometer Output Selectable 5/12V, Supports External Flyback Coil
- Sequential Gearbox Control
Note: Schnitz Racing cannot ship MaxxECU products outside of North America.